Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Spirit of the Times

Ocean by RunC.T.

     Hello fellow bloggers, readers and passers-by,

     Today we focus on the world as a collective whole. I'm not talking about death and dieing, I'm not talking about the rich (per se), I'm talking about the Spirit of the Times. Today, you will also broaden your horizons (whether you believe it or not) you will now be able to think outside the proverbial box!

     Your vocabulary word for the day is:
               zeitgeist  [tsahyt-gahyst] –noun German .
               the spirit of the time; general trend of thought or feeling characteristic of a particular period of time.

     Translated for the 1848 German Language, zeitgeist means zeit- (time) and -geist (spirit). Mind you, I'm nearly 32 years old and took German I & II in high school, and never heard of this word. However, German was not my strong suit. I can still count to ten though!
     Why blog about this word? Well, it's not so much a word as it is a statement. One single word that represents us, a people, a republic, a nation, a culture, a society, a world of civilization unlike any other*.
Everyone knows the times are changing. As my grandma would say, "it's a sign of the times" when she seen her first blue Mohawk on a guy. Or when girls started wearing skimpy clothing that advertised they weren't easy, but they could be had. Or when kids started doing things at younger ages... Yes, it was a sign of the times alright. But what 'times'? Noon to midnight? 8am to 4:30pm? No, these signs were far to old. Older than any of us.
     In 2007, a very highly controversial film called... you guessed it, "Zeitgeist: The Movie" was created. This documentary, like any other documentary, seemed collectively presented. The music was lacking, the narrator sounded like he was anally retentive, but the points made in the film were astounding.
I usually don't blog about Religion, or Politics. However, this is definitely going to get some of you riled up.
     First let me say, out of defense for my own beliefs, I believe in a higher power. I do not go to church, but I was raised southern baptist, converted to pentecostal some 9 years ago and after a severe issue with whether or not Jesus loves me less because I cut my hair, I do not feel welcomed in any sanctuary. But I still believe.
     With that being said, let's get to the meat and potatoes of this blog post.
Zietgeist: The Movie (which can be seen online in parts and the links will be posted at the end of this blog) is about the history or Christianity and how it seems to mimic all lines of believers throughout history. I don't mean the Good Book. I mean all the way back to hieroglyphics, proven carbon-14 dating, the whole works. The issue is how our Christianity took shape.

     What is in Christianity? Well, Christ, Latin Christus, Greek Khristos, which means "the anointed"... History shows us that prior to our beliefs, those same beliefs were carried on for thousands of years before us... And their center was Astrology.

     The film points out three main things in the first 35 minutes.
  1. the date December 25
  2. the virgin birth
  3. the 3 kings

     All of which the film writers significantly ties to astrology. The position of the sun on December 24 lining up with the brightest star in the sky (Sirius) which is in the east. This star lines up directly with the 3 stars in Orion's belt which are the 3 kings. During this time, the Sun (which moves through astrological signs, i.e., Aquarius, Scorpio, Virgo), happens to be in the house of Virgo which means The Virgin. 

I know, skeptical and petty and... 100% true as to the astrology. My uncle has been doing astrological charts since I can remember (longer than that, but that is what I do remember). 

The film then points out several other issues with relations to past religion and worship of the 'sun'/'son' and the correlation between Joseph and Jesus in the Bible. He also directs your attention to holidays Christians celebrate being of Pagan origin. 

I know, your wondering what that means and if you aren't, I'm going to tell you anyway.  Pagan is defined as a person who holds a religious belief other than those of the main world religions. In short, a title given to someone who is different, just like Catholics are different from Apostolics who are different from Baptists who are different from United Pentecosts.

     But the history of Paganism is not told truthfully in today's religious sects. If it were, you would know what these represent.

Image 1

Image 2

      Image one, as stated in the film, you may find on the back of a persons car, proclaiming their love for Jesus. And that is fine. But before Jesus was added to it, The fish symbol:
"... was so revered throughout the Roman empire that Christian authorities insisted on taking it over, with extensive revision of myths to deny its earlier female-genital meanings...Sometimes the Christ child was portrayed inside the vesica, which was superimposed on Mary's belly and obviously represented her womb, just as in the ancient symbolism of the Goddess." 4 Another author writes: "The fish headdress of the priests of Ea [a Sumero-Semitic God] later became the miter of the Christian bishops." 5
     The symbol itself, the eating of fish on Friday and the association of the symbol with deity were all taken over by the early Church from Pagan sources. Only the sexual component was deleted.

     Take it as you will. I mean not to pressure you into believing this or that, but to allow you to see what is there. To make a truly informed, educated decision on something that is highly used in today's times.

     Image 2 depicts a modern day cross or crucifix. The origination of Crucifix is 'crux' meaning the center point. As you can see, the lines intersect in the direct middle. The Circle the center of the cross is Celtic. The film points out the similarity between Celtic and Pagan beliefs and describes it better than I can, so I won't try.

     The film, however is not completely about religion or the history of Christianity. It is a collection of points that lead to the ultimate, The Spirit of the Times. The second portion of the film is about terrorism. The attacks on 9/11, the information that is lacking to find what the 9/11 commission found, the absurd claim that jet fuel melted the steel columns... FYI, Jet fuel burns is capable of burning at temps to 1,597 degrees -- that is to say, the hottest it can burn. It can't get any hotter.  Steel has a melting point of some 2,000+ degrees. That is what it would take to melt it. If you are a conspiracy theorist, as I am, regarding the governments role in 9/11, watch the second parts of the film... Very VERY interesting.

     So folks, I hope you all are now able to think outside the box, even for a moment. Again, I state, it was not and is not my intention to stray you from your beliefs, cause you to doubt your God or to hate. Simply to be informed and then make your own decisions.

     For the record, the concluding segment speaks of RFID chips implanted in humans. It should be stated this is merely a scare tactic and NWO propaganda that is completely false. RFID has been approved for use in humans but solely for medical purposes, should something happen to you, the chip would contain your complete medical history... Nothing more.

     Until Tomorrow, 

*Only because we have not found life on other planets.

     The following links will take you to YouTube to see the film segments. Feel free to check them out.

For the Religion Segments
Zeitgeist: The Movie Part 1
Zeitgeist: The Movie Part 2
Zeitgeist: The Movie Part 3

For the 9/11 Segments
Zeitgeist: The Movie Part 4
Zeitgeist: The Movie Part 5
Zeitgeist: The Movie Part 6
Zeitgeist: The Movie Part 7

For the World Banking Segments and Conclusion
Zeitgeist: The Movie Part 8
Zeitgeist: The Movie Part 9
Zeitgeist: The Movie Part 10
Zeitgeist: The Movie Part 11
Zeitgeist: The Movie Part 12

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