Hello fellow bloggers, readers, and passers-by,
It's that time of year again when we say goodbye to the fat-drenching holiday food, the mistletoe and eggnog. We welcome the new year with an open mind and hopefully, an open heart. We set aside those thoughts of contempt to make way for adoration of those who are doing well and though, sinfully, we sometimes turn green with envy to those who have a little more than we (I) do! *gasp* Yes, I want great things, too! But the difference for me: I will not sit around and wish -- I will make it happen.
So, I venture, yet again, to BRTC in hopes of putting some useful knowledge into the 'ol think-tank and maybe even have an "awe" moment by such knowledge! In any event, I refuse to give up. "Why would you give up?" they ask!
Let's regroup. Last semester, Algebra did not completely obliterate my GPA but it did take a hit. A surprise pregnancy near the end of the semester left me wondering, "Is God seriously playing a game with me?"... the answer being a loud NO just as soon as I heard the heartbeat of that miracle now growing in my tummy. And for the Pièce de résistance, not one damn person running for the presidential seat is worth listening to, much less voting for.
But I will not fret, and you, dear friend, shouldn't either. Because where there is a will, there is a way, and whether it is God, Buddha, Allah or any other deity, life will continue. We will saddle up, straighten our hat, (hopefully you have your big girl pants on) and strive to make sense of this thing called life. There is only one ending for us all -- not heaven or hell, but death in general, and I for one wanna be going 90 mph when I slide into my coffin yelling, 'man, what a ride'!
Until tomorrow,