Thursday, December 29, 2011

Saying Goodbye

Hello fellow bloggers, readers and passers-by,

No, I'm not leaving! *tear* Thank you for your undying loyalty to my blog, though I have done nothing if not neglect it since around August... But fear not, I have not stopped entirely -- I do have a life outside of the world wide web! And today, I'll bring to you the year of 2011 -- they hype, the drama, the saga, the actors, the deaths and the ability to say "Bring it on 2012 -- Let's See What You've Got" -- right??? RIGHT!

So, the year started off on a positive note. New resolutions for many... and many that I faltered on myself... That losing weight thing crapped out after the first two months. The exercise thing after two months (only because I was EXERCISING ALL THE TIME and not losing any weight -- zero will power, also) *wink*

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Commercialism Vs. Spirit

Hello fellow bloggers, readers, and passers-by,

This post will probably make no sense to you, or me for that matter, but I felt the need to do it. To write something for you all to read, and to ease the tension that is slowly building up inside me. Not to mention the pain in my neck, throat, head and sinus area. Alas, I am ill. But fear not, my faithful followers, it is not the illness that will be contagious, but rather, the urge to do something... anything... to break the boredom I am so severely suffering this holiday season.

"Times are tight and moneys hard... and here's your F'in Christmas card"... yes folks, I just wrote that. Do not be bothered by it. It is nonsense really. But it is true that times are tight and that money is hard. For instance... many people have gone out, blew up their credit card balances and cleared nearly everything out of their savings account to buy into the commercialism of Christmas. Their four member households will open a more than adequate number of gifts this holiday, bragging on face book and twitter how much they received and how happy they are and their 'I can't wait until next years list' of gimme's. On the other hand, some families are happy with the simpler things. That turkey dinner they have so patiently waited for all year... complete with all the trimmings, because let's face it... Thanksgiving dinner just can't compete to Christmas dinner!

Then there are the families who have no presents, no dinner, and no one to share a greeting with. Families that have been torn apart by addiction, depression, adultery, and an onslaught of other issues that many forget exist. And while these are truly tragic events, the one that really chaps my hide are the ungrateful... the ones who want more and more and more, and are not once truly appreciative of what they have.

I'm not talking about material things. I'm talking about life. Whether you believe in God, Buddha, Allah, or other deity (or not)... you got here somehow, even if by science... and yet, we are living, breathing human beings are incapable of showing a little gratitude. Those who believe in a higher power often do for others who cannot do for themselves... but is it because they want to out of the kindness of their hearts, or because they think they will receive something in the end. I know, I know, they think its the right thing to do, so they do it... but you and I both know, whether it's on earth or in heaven, they expect something in return. Sadly, those who do not believe in a higher power will often give just because they can and want to. As you can see, being in the bible belt has it's good points and it's bad points... and I've seen enough 'christians' to know that a person is just a hypocritical walking into a church as they can be walking down an aisle at the department store.

I told you this post would not make sense... but it's starting to come together. If we are going to make it in this world, let us give with our hearts, unconditionally, rather than with our wallets on a budget. Let us become indebted to our neighbors out of the kindness we share with each other over the high prices at the store. Let's do unto others as we'd have done unto us because we genuinely care about the other person, not so we earn bragging rights about how expensive a particular gift was.

In this day and age, I can't imagine a world more ugly, filled with commercialism, hate, jealousy, greed, and contempt as I have witnessed this season. So, my family will be bucking the system. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the 24 of December will be Commercialism Day. This is the day we will give our children gifts in honor of commercialism. Between four children, they will open gifts all totaling at a value of less than 200.00. They will smile with happiness, not because they got what they wanted, but because they were loved enough to get something, and they will value that. Because it isn't the price or the gift, but the love that backs it up. How many i-pad, i-phone, xbox 360 holding fiends can say that?

But our holiday will not stop there. On December 25, we will wake up, hug each other, have breakfast together, read the story of Christ's birth (because we do believe)... Then we will visit family and share the love we have with them. And when all is said and done, our children will know the true meaning of love... not the falsification of Christmas as commercialism would have us to believe.

Until tomorrow,

Saturday, December 17, 2011

What a Slap in the Face!

Dear fellow bloggers, readers, and passers by,

I want you all to think or a moment about a tragic event that occurred on our land... America. Land of the free, home of the brave... amber waves of grain and so on... One event that, for a moment, time stopped. The earth didn't move. Life paused, hair grayed, lives were lost... and all at the hands of a foreign group of radical extremists who have no passion for life, but rather, their promised, 'life after death'... I'm talking about an event so extreme, lives were forever changed... But I will not say it.  I want you to look at a picture. I want you to examine the entire picture. The object in the picture is a simple object... but the images on the object aren't so pleasant. They aren't porn or any thing illegal, so calm down. But they may cause your blood pressure to rise, you anger to increase and for a moment, you may see red... But I want it made clear, this picture is not to insight anger, hatred or bigotry towards Muslims in general... As previously posted in a blog, not all Muslims are terrorists, and not all terrorists are Muslims.

Ready? Set. Go!

I apologize for the image not being as clear as I'd like... I did not take the picture. This was shared on face book tonight by a friend of mine. When I seen the picture at first, I couldn't make out what it was... but then I made it bigger (cause with age come vision loss) and then I could see it clearly. In addition, I will not say what I see, but rather, let you decide for yourself.

One must ask the question though... Is Pepsi playing both decks of cards? Are they secretly supporting some foreign group? Are they just clueless at advertising? Or did they inadvertently post something that looks like a grim reminder for all of America to see? Either way, shame shame!

I'm not asking you to boycott Pepsi. I'm not asking you to write angry hate mail or do anything stupid! I'm simply trying to open your mind to the world around you... Because here in the Bible Belt, we get our eyes and our minds opened when we are told to, unless we decide to become HUMAN and do it ourselves!

Until tomorrow,

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Devil In Us All

Hello fellow bloggers, readers and passers by,

Allow me the opportunity to tell you something... The devil lives in us all. What? She has lost her mind! What the hell is she talking about? Please let me explain. We are human. Carnal creatures with thoughts and feelings and emotions and every other thing that make us who we are. And God made us that way. In his own likeness. With arms, and legs and hair and a brain and a heart and so on. And that is the most wonderful gift anyone could ever have... the gift of life.

But sometimes, that gift is taken advantage of. Sometimes, evil comes along and whisks it away as if it were never ours to begin with. Sometimes, the devil moves in and rather than a safety deposit, he simply makes a final withdrawal, closing out the account of our lives and forever holding hostage the things we once cherished.

I know that sounds like a ramble, but there is meaning behind it. Be patient. The bible says, 'do not pass judgement'... but we do. The bible says, 'do not commit adultery', but it happens. The bible says 'forgive those who trespass against us', but we don't, and when the bible says, ' thou shalt not have no other Gods before me', we do. Is it our own actions that cause this to happen, or the devil living inside us? I often hear people say, 'the devil made me do it'. Well, we are responsible for our own actions, thus, the devil is inside us, right?

Greed, gluttony, sloth, pride, envy, wrath and lust. Seven of the most deadly sins... But are they really? Can we not ultimately control each one of them? Or do we like to play the blame game and spend our time relishing in the life of greed, gluttony, sloth, pride, envy, lust and even wrath? Do we not kill our dreams when we refuse to own up to our decisions? Do we not slaughter our children's future, when we chose to lie over tell the truth? How can we call ourselves loving and forgiving souls and yet, live the way we do?

I've seen in the past 24 hours, southern people, living in the Bible Belt of America, make some of the most horrible statements against the life of a person. This person has been accused of taking the life of a child. This person also has been called a pedophile, a murderer, a killer, a soul-less creature, a person who deserves to die -- all without having been tried in court. I've witnessed people make allegations of his guilt without a shred of evidence. I've seen police officials state a confession had been made. I've also witnessed with my own eyes, three convicted men be released from prison for 'saying' they committed a crime, when I believe in my heart they did not. My question to you is this? If a person says they done something, is it true? If a person knows about something, does it mean they committed the act? The consensus from one site is the following:

"... knowing when, where and how a crime was committed means you are the killer!"
"... knowing the family members of the victim means you know everything there is to possibly know about the case at hand."
"... a person who is accused of having child pornography means they have molested their own children, their neighbors children and they should be put to death -- no questions asked."
"... being interrogated by police for hours on end to tell them nothing 'new' about a case they have talked to you about means you done the act and are going straight to hell."

But I ask you this...

When did it become OK for us to convict a person on a whim without so much as giving them a chance to defend themselves? When did it become second nature for us to say someone is guilty just because...?  It's not OK with me. And for that, I will always continue to look at both sides of each and every story -- because the devil lives in us all. And I will not let him steal my ability to see past him.


PS The term 'devil' does not necessarily mean the 'evil one', but rather, it is used as a metaphor for the evil and negative things in which we act upon.
Hello Readers,

My apologies for waiting so long to write you. This semester really kicked my tail, but alas, I am here for the next two weeks and plan on venting like you wouldn't believe. First and foremost, I passed college algebra... I will not define the status of my passing grade, but I do not see that 4.0 on my GPA so you know it was a bloody battle to the finish and I came out swinging!

Now, for the heartpounding, never going to believe it, hold your breath until I finish this paragraph moment... I'm pregnant!  No, this is NOT, I repeat, this is NOT a joke. Five years ago this past July, I had a tubaligation to prevent the conception of any more rugrats... four is plenty, right? Well, in the eyes of my God, he thought I was not finished having babies and in turn, has blessed my and my husband with another child. Due July 9, 2012 -- and we are praying steadfastly for a girl. We have a 13 year old girl and the remaining three are boys, 10, 7, and 5 respectively. Names have already been selected thanks to my wonderful and amazing husband who helped clear the murky water that is, finding the right name:

Kennedy Patrick for a boy
Kelley Jolinn for a girl -- He picked the first, I picked the middle -- and you know I have to share why, right? Right!

My life has been wrapped around making sure people know I'm a good person. Obeying the law, staying out of trouble, being the person my grandmother raised me to be. And I can honestly say that aside from a binge drink session everynow and then, I haven't fallen victim to the hardcore drugs that have so often broken the homes of many. In fact, I even quit smoking back in June and as of the 10th of December, I am nicotine free 6 months! Go ME!... But that isn't where I got the name. Since starting school, I've had many opportunities to blow it... to flake it off as if school didn't matter, something akin to my attitude in high school. But I can say now, with a grown up voice, that is not me. Taking a particular class with the same teacher for several semesters, you begin to open up... learn a little more about who you are and what you believe and yadda yadda.

This particular teacher encouraged me to always think before I speak, to never fall for one side of the story without reading all of it and to always voice my opinion when it is about something I truly believe in, but doing so in a tactful and pleasant way. She has also taught me how to let somethings just 'roll' like water off a duck (except I'm not a duck) -- and for that, I am truly grateful. And her name is Joan Linnsteadter. Thus, the name Jolinn. She is a strong woman, I am a strong woman, and like my previously born daughter, this one will be strong as well.

My how I have missed you... this was just to catch up!
More to come,