Hello fellow bloggers, readers and passers-by,
No, I'm not leaving! *tear* Thank you for your undying loyalty to my blog, though I have done nothing if not neglect it since around August... But fear not, I have not stopped entirely -- I do have a life outside of the world wide web! And today, I'll bring to you the year of 2011 -- they hype, the drama, the saga, the actors, the deaths and the ability to say "Bring it on 2012 -- Let's See What You've Got" -- right??? RIGHT!
So, the year started off on a positive note. New resolutions for many... and many that I faltered on myself... That losing weight thing crapped out after the first two months. The exercise thing after two months (only because I was EXERCISING ALL THE TIME and not losing any weight -- zero will power, also) *wink*
For a matter of importance, in April, I registered for classes at BRTC... again... to complete my AA after having graduated less than 6 months prior. I figured what better way to do what I want than to get all I can while I can -- a bachelors in criminology with a minor in psychology! Just 3 more years to go -- *sigh* I can do this, right? RIGHT!
Health? Oh yes, there was health in 2011, or lack thereof! A midnight trip to the ER because I could not breathe had me questioning if I would truly die or if God was testing me. Luckily, two breathing treatments and a sub-q breathing shot later, I could take a deep breathe and not cough my head off! Which led to the healthiest decision I could have made this year (even though dieting and exercise were number 1 until this point) -- I planned a quit date? Quit what? Quit sucking on those damn cancer sticks that were causing me to hack my lungs up because of asthma and chronic bronchitis!
My quit date was planned for June 10th!
Enter Drama
On Memorial day, what was suppose to be a fun and exciting time for family to gather around a grill, chew some gab over burgers and slaw was not exactly the way it went for me. No, I was rushing 200+ miles to a hospital out of state to see my brother who was on life support because he was so upset with life, he thought he'd take his own by means of an overdose -- thank god he's alive, but he is still struggling with life everyday -- and his addiction is still killing him.
Good news? His girlfriend miscarried! *gasp* How can she say that is good news? I'll tell you! Two narcissistic, drug-addicted, alcoholic, co-dependants do not need to be having a child! Plain and simple. Call it passing judgement, call it hypocritical, call it sheer lunacy -- I feel very strongly about this and had come to the conclusion that should she have carried the baby to term, I would have fought them for the child -- no child should be raised the way that child would have been raised! And you'll see a little irony in this later in the year! I promise!
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<TAKE A BREATH, IT'S OK>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Milestone: Breathe I did! June 10th, amidst the drama of my brother and finding out the day before that my mother had a small misstep with her own sobriety, I put down my cigarettes, threw on a nicotine patch and as of this post, I am nicotine free 199 days! *bows in appreciation* Thank you!
Moms Gone Mad! Mid June, my four children, my husband and I gather around the city water park, enjoying the sweltering heat and Arkansas humidity... and a bout of insanity truly did hit me. Speaking to my husband about my hair, I mentioned to him I needed a hair cut. Knowing his first words would be "let me cut it... I'll take it off for you" because he always, ALWAYS says this. For fun, I told him he could... secretly hoping he would back down. However, he didn't. And that evening, I was bald. Don't believe me? Check out my pic!
July: Family Fireworks (and I almost died!) My husband, God love him, truly does enjoy shooting fireworks. And my sister-in-laws not so graceful, but still kind-hearted boyfriend brought the goods. And that night, we venture to our 3 acre backyard to perch upon the deck and watch the men show us their talent. The porch light, however, was a calling card for the mosquitoes and damn... they were sucking me dry. I venture to a dark spot by the storage building to get a better view of the fireworks and to rid myself of the tiny vampires sucking my blood... Only to be scared to death by one hell of a display gone wrong! The force of the firework set caused it to tip sideways... and they were locked in on me!
Unfortunately, disaster hit one month later and our desktop was hit with lightening which caused me to lose the infamous video of me cussing and running at the same time...
Enter Disaster: Our neighbors house was the conductor for a monstrous lightening bolt, which took out their two flat screens and one desktop -- and our desktop, nearly 50 yards away -- nevertheless, it was survived by an Acer laptop and Toshiba Satellite.
Late August and school starts off without a hitch!
New Role: Student worker in the continuing education department -- great job, great folks, and great opportunity!
October: Turned 32... I mean, ahem 29!
Umm, ready for the irony of a previous comment? Five years and four months ago this November, I had my tubes clamped in the hospital under medical supervision and care. I had undergone anesthesia for a general tubaligation clamping and have the scars to prove it was done. I seen an x-ray of the clamps -- two on my right fallopian tube and one on my left. (Scar tissue on the right encouraged the physician to place two, just to be certain it was clamped). Five years and four months of unregarded relations with my wonderful husband, we find out that not all procedures are 100% -- in that I am pregnant with our 5th child.
Five years after my last child was born -- baby number 5, (FIVE), cinco, funf, cinq, 五 (Wǔ) <<That last one is mandarin by the way>> is on the way... I must say, there should be some counseling for anyone who goes through the initial shock of finding out they are pregnant after they have been nearly guaranteed they would never conceive another child.
Shock: Concerned that it was an ectopic pregnancy, I went to the ER.. and they could not find the baby in the uterus... or the tubes... they couldn't find it anywhere. For the next 48 hours, I feared I would be one of those stories you see on Worlds Wildest: Woman conceives child... and carries it in her liver or some crazy place that is not fathomable! However, 48 hours later, I see the embryonic sac in my uterus and all seemed well... until they couldn't see the fetus... Yep, sacs there, baby's MIA! A second ultrasound two weeks later and ta-da! Heartbeat 129 bpm, fetal pole growing, no worries! Due July 9, 2012!
December: Month of realization! Christmas is full of commercialism and the nation has fallen for it's delicacies! The medical profession sucks -- they get you addicted to pills (my brother) and screw up your plans on not having any more children (epic fail on the doctors part). All the movies that came out in 2011 with the exception of two, (Abduction and Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part I) SUCKED BIG HAIRY DONKEY BALLS!
What the hell happened to a calm, peaceful, non-eventful year? I mean really, wtf? My initial plan was to continue with our family the way we were, without any hiccups (of this magnitude anyway), yet here I am, sitting in a comfy chair with a back spasm, drinking nasty ass cranberry juice and craving something and I don't know what, while I divulge to you how crazy 2011 has truly been! But I embrace each and every hiccup that comes my way, because there is a lesson to be learned with each one: I am only in control of my actions... not those of God or anyone else...
One can only say it was a bi-polar year! Let's hope 2012 takes it's meds! right? RIGHT!
Until 2012,
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