I can't believe it has been nearly a year since my last blog! Suffice it to say, college can dampen your blogging abilities and I feel pressed to inform you that I am putting off studying for a Social Stats Lab final to bring you the latest from the inner recesses of my mind!
But it is a story of tragedy. Of sadness. Of possible conspiracy and of the tangled webs of sex, scandal and the most highest of conspiracy theories... or it could be true. The fact that it is completely amateur is why this post is here, rather than Justice Shall Prevail -- and I make no claims that any of the following theory is true... I simply call it like I see and with the history of Arkansas's Judicial and Legal System, I can't help but post it here in hopes of enlightening, entertaining and bs'ing what could be fact and what could be fiction.
The case starts as one of complete and utter fear. A mom wakes to find her teenage daughter missing. See official Amber Alert here. Her favorite things: shoes, clothes, make-up, cell, all accounted for. It's between 3:30am and 5:30am and she is no where to be seen. The mom's ex [sic] husband pulls up in his truck and, bewildered, asks why she is up so early. The mother informs the man that her daughter (his step-daughter) is missing. She advises him she is going to contact the police and he says, "bull shit, bull shit" and leaves, stating he is going to the police station.
One could conclude at this point the step dad had a hand in her disappearance by the ex [sic] wife's description of his behavior. Case closed, right? Not in Arkansas. Approximately 36 hours later, his body is found, dead from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound.
I know what you're thinking... Of course he did it. He knew he would go to jail and the coward that he is killed himself to avoid prosecution and prison time! But did he?
The mom goes on camera with a local news station, KAIT Region 8 News, Jonesboro, to tell her story. It does not take a college degree (though I have one) to determine her tone and affect are rather flat. Not that of worn emotion, but rather, one of... hmmm. I can't say confusion, because she doesn't really seem confused. I can't say anger, because she does not show any. And I can't say sadness, despair or even apathy for the loss of her ex-husband or her daughter, because again, her demeanor is just blank... TOO blank.
The teens biological father went on camera with a Tennessee news team about a week later and stated there was an issue of abuse toward the teen by the stepfather and that the girl "was going to tell". Read a related news article about the case here. The only issue I can find with this is, if the bio-father knew there was abuse and that his daughter was going to tell, why did he not file a report, make a call or otherwise be an advocate for his young daughter?
Let's consider the following:
- FACT: The stepfather had reportedly received an income tax return and purchased a gun and computer(s).
- Question: Is this typical behavior for him? Had he previously owned a computer?
- FACT: The items were confiscated by authorities for collecting potential evidence in the girls disappearance.
- Question: Have they found anything?
- FACT: Local law enforcement and rescue/search volunteers, to this day, continue to search for the missing girl -- in the local area of the town in which she resided.
- Question: Are there any leads?
- FACT: A recent string of arrests tied to sex, porn, and child rape came about a mere 6 weeks after the teens disappearance -- in the same county and stretching to date, as far south as Searcy, Arkansas and as far north as Rector, Arkansas. Involved in this separate case is the 12 year old (victim) and the 14 alleged perpetrators ranging in age from teen to 27... AND the own girls MOTHER! Fifteen total suspects in this separate case.
- Question: Did either the mother of the missing teen or the stepfather know any of the persons involved in the scandal case?
- FACT: As of this post and to my knowledge, the mother of the missing teen is not a suspect... why not?
- Question: If she was the last person to see the teen alive, doesn't that make her a suspect? Was the relationship typical? Atypical? Was there resentment, anger or animosity held between the two that has yet to surface?
In December 2012, a 12 year old is reported by her mother to be a runaway. Later, the story breaks that she was abducted by a 27 year old, who I dub the ring leader in a sex scandal & child porn case. He has multiple contacts throughout central and northeast Arkansas who maintain contact via text messaging and e-mail. This 12 year old girl is from Lawrence County. The man accused of abducting the girl is arrested. The mother continues to allow the girl to be toyed with by 13 other young men and teen boys, claiming she is 16 and 17 years old. Now, the twist... The mother is later arrested for her involvement in the scandal. This mass of co-conspirators in the operation have their sights on the teen mentioned above.
It's hard to put into text so I'll lay out a timeline... I seriously have to get back to my studies...
December 2012 - 12 year old girl reported runaway by mother
February 2013 - 27 year old arrested in abduction of runaway Theory: The stepfather / mother of missing teen are: struggling for money? involved in the sex, child porn case and fear they will be identified as co-conspirators?
March 2013 - Teen missing Theory: The stepfather / mother were involved in the disappearance for: money? Sex trafficking?
March 2013 - Stepfather dead Theory: The father did NOT know the mother was involved and was: shot by the mother? Shot by a fellow conspirator for fear of being 'outted' to the authorities?
March 2013 - Bio-dad makes claim stepfather abused teen
April 2013 - Sex, child porn scandal case breaks Theory: someone knew about the connection and: gave information to the authorities? Forwarded text photos or evidence?
April 2013 - 14 arrested in Sex, child porn scandal
April 2013 - Mother of 12 year old arrested in connection with sex, child porn scandal Theory: mother was very well aware of what was going on with her daughter and the alleged perpetrators, but continued to use her daughter in an abusive manner for financial gain or other form of exploitation?
April 2013 - Mother and father of one of the alleged (teen) suspects in the sex, child porn scandal is arrested in separate case involving child rape/sexual assault of a family member Theory: More to this than what is being reported?
April 2013 - Family of dead stepfather speak out Theory: Have reason to believe the stepfather was murdered because: he found out the mother was involved with the sex, child porn scandal? Knew the teen was being sold in sex trade?
April 30, 2013 - Teen is still missing Theory: Human Trafficking? People do not just 'vanish' into thin air? No trace of her in the area, yet authorities continue searching?
Remaining questions:
1.) Does the missing teens mother have any known association with the alleged perpetrators of the sex, child porn scandal? Did the stepfather? Did the missing teen know the 12 year old?
2.) Were the financial statements of the stepfather confirmed and equate to the money he spent/had remaining from his income tax returns? Was there a discrepancy?
3.) Was the stepfather at home when the mother went to bed at 10:30pm? Was this typical pattern of the stepfather? Did he display any new behaviors in the last four months that would be described as atypical?
4.) What was the relationship with the teen and the mother? Were there any recent arguments?
In Arkansas, where the tea is sweet, the cornbread is buttered and the mosquitoes are hated family pets, the fact that the truth may be stranger than fiction is only one facet of the life in true Smallville. A community pulls together for the sake of finding a missing teen. Law enforcement struggle to piece the clues together in hopes of saving a child. I pray they find the missing teen. I pray that justice is also found. However, looking under the same rock for new clues is asinine and a waste of time. True investigation starts with questions... I wonder if they thought about that?
Until next time,