Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The End of the Nocturnal Era

Good Morning fellow bloggers, readers and passers-by,

     This morning I sit before my computer with a head full of stuff. But cannot categorically put it all together. Rambles of this, tidbits of that. All perfectly coherent thoughts, but they are going so fast, it's hard for me to keep up with them. No, I'm not insane and to my knowledge, I'm not a victim of adult ADHD -- trust me, for that you have to be physically hyper and my weight tells me that I'm not so there!

     Fell asleep last night on the couch around 7:30pm. I was tired and grandmother always told me, when your tired, you'll sleep. She never gave me a set bedtime no matter how hard it was for me to wake up the next morning. And until I hit Junior High School, I never really cared for a bedtime per se. However, those hard mornings were not pleasant so I made it a point to be in bed by 10:30pm every night. Why that particular time? Well, growing up, I didn't get the pleasures of cable TV in my room, much less color. But when I finally did get a hold of a b & w 13" with rabbit ears, you can bet your sweet bippy I would get my own daily dose of "Are You Being Served?" And it went of at 10:30pm. So there!

     You should also know that I do NOT like taking medicine or pills of any kind. I am the type that will go for days with a headache before I take medication for it. But the habit I fell into as I aged would not be pleasant. The extra cups of coffee in the morning kept me going strong til around 3pm. Then I would bottom out. At first, I indulged in a cup of coffee in the afternoon, but that didn't really do it for me. So my trusty five hour 'bottle-o-crack' was a Godsend. However, those are pricey. Then I discovered a handy dandy vitamin: B12... Now this isn't your average vitamin. This sucker packs a punch with all the B vitamins, and the other vitamins and minerals that help 'activate' the b vitamins. Needless to say, I can go all day and (obviously) all night without wearing out.

     But I fear the worst from this habit. I've never been an early riser. I've always gotten up around 8 or 9 unless something big was going on or I had plans. Nope, I'm very much nocturnal and I would much rather be out and about, or up working on something while everyone else sleeps. That is my 'thinking time'. And I've noticed more since I've stopped smoking that the time I have is like that bottomless bag you carry when you need a lot of stuff with you, but have to dump it all out to find that one little thing you need most of all: I can't find enough stuff to do to fill my time, and when I get ready to go to sleep, rather than put everything to rest until the next morning, my mind starts thinking about it.

     I've written stuff down right before bed (like my psych books say to do, and of course, I've heard the best: Dr. Phil, Oprah and a gob of healthy living experts), who say to keep a pad and pencil by your bed. If you can't clear your head, write it down so you won't forget about and that helps you to be reassured so you can fall asleep... Ummm, used to work... Now... Not so much.

     Because I don't want to jot it down. I want to start it and finish it all in one go. And I think that is my deal. It's not that I don't have patience, but that I would rather not procrastinate! *** GASP ***  LaVonda! Say it isn't so! You of all people cannot be a procrastinator!  :)  Of course I can... and I 'was' really good at it. But something happened. I would love to just turn my brain off! I can look at laundry, dishes, housework, etc., and not give  rip if it gets done. But the stuff in my head, I can't turn it off. And it's beginning to affect my sleep habits.

     So, with my 1 of 2 only cups of coffee, I am going to finish up this post, check my email, double check my school info, then I'm off to talk to the laundry. I've been up since midnight. Maybe going to bed at 8 and waking up early wouldn't be too bad... After all, nothing is constant but change, and that even includes my habits!

     Have a superflyingtacklepounce of a day!
     Until tomorrow,

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