Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Dilemma

     I want to go back to school!  I miss the classes, the atmosphere, the friends, the colleagues... And I miss getting to fill my brain with information, with other opinions. I want to see the world from that view again. I have not been out a full month and I miss it. See the dilemma?

     The dilemma: Family! I love my family with every fiber of my being.  I want only what is best for them.  But how can I give them what is best, if I refuse to do my best to get there.  Having a BA is not a big deal for some people. For me, it could mean the difference between 25,000 a year and 250,000 a year... See the dilemma?!?

     In my neck of the woods (yes, I'm a hick, but I can be professional when its called for), there is not a large need for Crim J grads with an AAS... so I either hack it out at Wal-mart making minimum wage, forcing myself to smile when I would be sooo not happy there, or... Go back to school -- a new school -- a BIG school (compared to my wonderfully size, perfect-for-LaVonda- Black River)... A true university where thousands of people shuffle through their day, hoping to learn something and apply it in the work force. See the Dilemma?!?

     Now, I type this blog in the hopes that ANYONE who reads it will post a comment giving me your truthful, honest, may the lord strike you dead if you lie, opinion. Because I cannot truly make a good decision as I am a biased person who misses the commraderie of it all -- I can't see the forest for the trees!  Please, leave a comment, a check in the box or something letting me know what you think... Your thoughts matter to me and true friends help out those in need! And it's not like I'm asking for your money... just your thoughts!

     I've vented, I feel better!

     Until tomorrow,

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