Many of you know I recently graduated college -- AAS in Criminal Justice. Today my son asked me, "So mom, whatcha gonna do now"? What a loaded question. I have often wondered what I wanted to be when I grew up and for the life of me, I am still not 100% certain. But he knows where my heart is: Police Officer or Criminal Investigator. My passion is trying to figure out how something happened, who done it, and of course, why they done it.
If I chose police work... the obvious issue would be physical health. I am a little on the fluffy side and if you read my very first post, you would also know that I am under tall! :) This diet/get healthy venture I am on would not only contribute to my well-being, but also benefit me in the line of police work. Not to mention the fact that it would certainly save my life if I could (if the need arose) out run the fleeing perp!
As for Criminal Investigator... ahhhh. My most beloved field of all. Getting into the guts of the crime. Seeing first hand how evil a person can be, how sad a loss can be and how heinous a criminal can be. And then putting together the pieces of the puzzle and having enough true and honest evidence to hand to the prosecution to ensure that the victim gets justice and the criminal gets punished. Being the one who pieces it all together. Yep, that's my soft spot.

So, the answer to my sons question was prevalent... "I want to be a problem solver. I want to be given a set of circumstances and piece it all together for the greater good of mankind." He looked at me like I was crazy and said, "so...." I laughed. I couldn't help it. I try to instill in my children they can be whatever they want to be when they grow up. I think I explained to him how hard it is to decide. In any event, it was a dose of reality for me. And I have a little time to figure it out. But either way, remember my name... You'll see it in the papers for a good deed done soon enough.
Until Tomorrow,
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