Saturday, February 5, 2011

Life Goes On

     Today started out as a regular day. By the afternoon, I felt sluggish and not at my best. By evening, my world has escalated into a snowstorm of epic proportion. A friend that I've had since the third grade sent a text to me, apparently taking concern about a facebook status I had posted this morning. Said post, intended to enlighten certain Zynga game players on how I feel about their attitude was taken by her to be a slam against her ways. While she does have a witty, sometimes sarcastic sense of humor, I never meant to hurt her feelings. However, her taking claim to this status as her own made me begin to wonder: How many statuses have others posted for me, that I brushed off? And further, why would she claim that status was intended for her, unless she done something that fit the description?

     So, for the last couple of hours, I debated on what to blog about and determined the following. If someone says something to you that affects you, it was because of a conscious choice they made. If a status reflects that someone is upset, did you do anything to cause it? If a status reflects that someone is happy, did you bring that smile? In the end, its a choice. And that choice is up to you to make. How you act in life, and how you treat others is a direct reflection of who you really are regardless of what you say you are. Having said that, I trust that my friendship is strong enough that this person would know if I were upset with them. And I trust that person cares enough about our friendship to ask me what was wrong, rather than assume the status was about them. In any event, life goes on. I will continue to live my life, sharing with those that want to be included. Those who choose not to be in my life is a choice they will have to make.

     Until next time,

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