Wednesday, March 23, 2011

When all else fails...

I've always been told that God would not put more on me than I could handle... He thinks I'm a strong, independent, knowledgeable female who knows how to think things through before she acts. And He is right. I do not jump into a battle unprepared and I do not accuse without just cause or factual information.

Except at work! Apparently my place of employment does not value their merchandise to the point of installing security cameras in key locations where thefts are occurring, nor do they realize that 2 people cannot operate a store, meet and greet the customers, wait (sometimes hand and foot) on them and be expected to stock, face, front, and watch for shoplifters... Even God himself laughed when I read my job description to him... Then he asks me, "Child, why do you question me?" 

With a smile, I go about my day, waiting on customers, checking IDs for those who are buying more than the justifiable amount of lithium batteries, cold medication and instant cold packs (for those who aren't familiar, Coricidin Cough and Cold is a.k.a. Triple C, and when ingesting large amounts gives the abuser a 'high' sensation. The lithium batteries and instant ice packs are used in producing methamphetamine). In addition to this, I'm stocking, reconciling cash, following procedure and trying (to no avail) to deter shoplifters.

Since there are no names involved, I'm going to tell you what happened.  Customer comes into the retail store carrying a tattered handbag. She is dressed fairly nice, but rather out of season (for Arkansas in March anyway). Long dress, black boots and her hair is pulled back. She is in the store for nearly 2 hours, browsing the plethora of merchandise and committing to simple conversation as we work around her.

Noticing at the check out that she is rather lethargic, but still keeping her mind on the task at hand, she digs in her wallet (handbag now missing, but maybe she took it outside, right??? That could happen) for $2.16 to purchase the 3-bar package of deodorant soap she took 2 hours debating to buy. (I kid you not... 2 hours for soap).  After 10 mins of searching her purse, she says, "I must have left it in the car." She steps outside, casually walks across the lot (thank goodness it was a little slower at that particular time).  I notice she sets down in her vehicle, and I think to myself, "LaVonda, you worried for nothing. Her purse in undoubtedly in the car".  Then she pops her trunk. Now, I begin to doubt my previous explanation and worry more on whether or not she is coherent enough to figure out where her money is. Nine minutes later, she returns to the door and says, "I'm going to have to come back, I've misplaced it".

My superior voids the item and we briefly discuss the situation and express our concern for her.  I continue with my day thinking "that poor woman. I hope she finds her money."  Because I have a genuine concern for anyone who misplaces something. This coming straight from a woman who forgets her keys every time she walks outside.

Long story longer... That evening, I stop back into the retail store to pick up a few items to take to a friend who's father is in the hospital and I'm approached by my superior asking me, "have you ever seen this before"?  Low and behold... The tattered old handbag the lethargic woman was carrying in the store... and it was empty, less a peppermint wrapper. No wallet, no money, no keys, no ID... as if someone had cleaned it out. "Someone must have stolen it while she was shopping and she didn't even realize it", I think to myself.

With my mind on other things, I didn't think any more about it. Until the phone rang this morning.  My superior calls me to tell me the very same woman returns to the store, purchases several pricey items... and carrying in her possession, one of our handbags that we sell at the store! And didn't even buy the soap she was originally in there for.

Now, if it looks like a duck, and walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's got to be a duck right?  So why in the hell do I have to SEE them steal something to question whether or not they actually stole something. If they are acting mysterious or if something just doesn't seem right, why can't I follow them at a safe distance to monitor their shop(lift)ing and approach them when it's witnessed. WHY? Because while God thinks I'm his child, smart and knowledgeable, Dollar General thinks I'm a clairvoyant BAD ASS!

Until tomorrow,

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A smile... that went unnoticed

As many of you know, a recent dispute between a practically life long friend and I had erupted into an all out war of silences... No facebook posts, texts, phone calls or the like. I moved on... gave way to bigger, better things (as if it could get any better than having a friend you can honestly call a child hood friend).  The lines of conversation ceased to exist in my world when it came to my friend. All ties had been broken.

But yesterday, those lines began to reattach themselves. The communication barrier that was once there begun to crumble. She sent me a message on facebook. Now, I know... "But Lavonda, you said you weren't going to do facebook anymore... that is the whole reason for the blog..." but, how can you STOP facebook. It's everywhere you look... and I'm getting off that subject.

My friend, whom shall still remain nameless, for the sake of privacy, sent me the most beautiful inbox message on facebook. I'm sure she wouldn't want me to post it on here but I only wish she could have seen the smile it brought to my face. Sitting in the break room at work, on a very short 30-min lunch break, I opened my phone, brought up my not so quick browser and went to facebook, because that it what facebook addicts do... I seen a 1 by my inbox. Thinking my husband had sent me a little love letter (cause he is so romantic like that) or that Trevor, one of my facebook friends, had found some 'hick' word I used and wanted to rag on me about it, I clicked on the inbox icon and I was surprised to say the least... It was not from my husband or my facebook friend. It was a wonderful, uplifting, inspiring message that made my heart melt. And it was from my friend. Of course, it could have been full of curse words, and I wouldn't have cared! Why? Because at least she took the time to acknowledge me. 

So if you happen to read this, dear friend, I want you to know that I stopped by your house this morning but you were gone. I sent you a message back on facebook, but it has gone unanswered. And that is ok. I'll wait. Because a friendship that is built over 23 years has earned a bit of patience and tolerance... and because I love you like a sister and wish nothing but the absolute best for you.

Until tomorrow,

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Holy Hell, What Next?

Yes, it's been a while! And I have a rant for all of my faithful readers. No, I've not done anything wrong (at least I'm not going to tell you what I DID do!) But, I have a mouthful and it's time I penned it for you to read!

Three topics for tonights blog and all of them involve EVERYONE!


Topic #1:  Why am I still paying high prices for gasoline? We do not get our fuel from Lybia, so no one can blame it on their civil unrest! Is OPEC so selfish, they care not if we can afford to buy their fuel? Is BIG OIL so greedy they would bite the hand that feeds them? Or are American's so spiteful, we pay an arm and a leg for that precious crude and then bitch because we can't buy soap to wash the remaing hand and foot? Touche! Please, if you have any insight on why I'm paying $3.45 for a gallon of liquid gold, enlighten me. Because I really am starting to feel the pinch in my wallet.

Topic #2: The price of food have friggin SKYROCKETED! I'll say that again... The PRICE of FOOD has SKYROCKETED! Did you understand me that time? For decades, we have trotted to the grocery store in hopes of buying the least expensive, healthy food for our families. Chicken, Pork and Beef are basic staples in any home and veggies are a must if you want to eliminate those empty calories, like potato chips, soft drinks and ice cream. However... (wait for it)....       ....         ....  (gains composure before explosion) I went to Wal-Mart (I know, I know, but our local grocery stores do not have decent veggies) to get a bell pepper. Why? What is meat loaf without bell pepper? I walked in, said hello to the poor door greeter who (no offense to any disabled person, I'm defending you) could barely move due to a debilitating limp, but yet, has to work because the cost of oil is so high, they can't rightly WALK to work, took a cart, steadied myself for the onslaught of shoppers and turned right toward the produce section. Skimming over the apples and oranges, banana's and mangos -- Bee line for the peppers. I knew if I looked long at anything, I would be persuaded (possibily even brainwashed by their music) to purchase additional items that I did not need. I walk up to the green peppers. The last time I purchased a green bell pepper they were about 57 to 68 cents each. Not a BIG deal. High, but managable. Not today. Today, the price nearly made my mouth drop. Actually, my mouth did drop. Not because they were such beautiful, shiny, green bell peppers that were destined to make my husband's meatloaf the mother of all loaves of meat... But because they were not 57 cents. They weren't even 68 cents. No.. they were $1.44 cents EACH. Not per pound, not per kilo... EACH! I was so charged with anger... I took out my cell phone. No, I didn't phone 911 because my wallet was just raped by the cost of bell pepper growers, even though it was severely violated. I took a picture.

Now... there's the proof! Explain that one!

Topic #3... "Heavenly father, I pray that you will be with Japan right now. Not just with those who are directly affected, but for each and every person who is connected to, related to, or involved with any thing in that country. They need you Jesus to reach down, wrap your loving arms around them and help them through this tragic time. In your sweet name I pray, Amen!"

BUT... there are physics invovled. I heard two people at work today talking about 'what is going to happen to this world when the end does come?'... HELLO!!! Are you not aware of the prophecy? Do you not realize that these just may be the end times. Earthquakes, famine... Oh, wait a minute... I just had an epiphany. The earth is quaking because BIG OIL is being taken away, causing the weight of the earth to shift. In it's shifty-ness, it's being thrown off kilter and earthquakes are occurring. And the famine... yeah, that's because they are now charging $1.44 cents for ONE DAMN PEPPER!

Until tomorrow,
PS... that meatloaf was damn good... too bad I choked everytime I thought about swallowing that pepper!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

and on I carry...

It's been said that time heals all wounds. While I've often been the giver of such advice, it's sometimes hard to accept it. Because the wounds are still there. I miss my friend. I miss seeing her posts on facebook. I miss her texts and most of all, I miss knowing I had someone to shoot the breeze with, gab about silly topics and someone I could vent to the way only girls can vent.


I am carrying on. I've not blogged in nearly a month, thinking I done something wrong and that blogging would be too much fun for someone who had done the unthinkable... But I wasn't wrong. I didn't do anything out of order and in the great scheme of things, I am me... could you imagine the world if there were two of me?

Since the great fall-out, I have applied for grants, scholarships and challenges are far as the web can find to help fund my education. I miss school so much. I can't believe I am wishing the summer away so that fall can get here. That is so sad, right? NO! I am constantly encouraged to go back for a number of reasons, but the two most important... 1.) It's right for me and 2.) I've seen stupid and I don't want to be placed in that category. Now, before anyone trips over that statement, I'm not saying that if you don't go to school, you're stupid. I'm simply saying that in 'hickville', AR, you see you fair share of the less educated and my heart bleeds for them.

So I will be a light... *hums* this little light of mine... I'm gonna let it shine...  for all the world to follow. Not that I'm Christ, but rather, I'm a good example to follow. I am commended at work every day by people who say, "You are so pleasant", "It's nice to see a smiling face", "Thank goodness you're working, that other girl is not nice"... Warms my heart and soul that I can be a smiling, pleasant, happy person for others to see. 

No, I will not continue to be down. I will share my smile with the world. A friend on Facebook is nearly always posting such uplifting and spiritual posts, her comments on a day to day basis have helped me to realize (along with my husbands perseverance) that I am a good person and when I feel at my lowest, God is lifting ME up.

Thank you Dani, for your continuous words of encouragement. I haven't commented on your posts, but know this, you are planting a seed and watering it fervently.

Until tomorrow,