Sunday, March 13, 2011

Holy Hell, What Next?

Yes, it's been a while! And I have a rant for all of my faithful readers. No, I've not done anything wrong (at least I'm not going to tell you what I DID do!) But, I have a mouthful and it's time I penned it for you to read!

Three topics for tonights blog and all of them involve EVERYONE!


Topic #1:  Why am I still paying high prices for gasoline? We do not get our fuel from Lybia, so no one can blame it on their civil unrest! Is OPEC so selfish, they care not if we can afford to buy their fuel? Is BIG OIL so greedy they would bite the hand that feeds them? Or are American's so spiteful, we pay an arm and a leg for that precious crude and then bitch because we can't buy soap to wash the remaing hand and foot? Touche! Please, if you have any insight on why I'm paying $3.45 for a gallon of liquid gold, enlighten me. Because I really am starting to feel the pinch in my wallet.

Topic #2: The price of food have friggin SKYROCKETED! I'll say that again... The PRICE of FOOD has SKYROCKETED! Did you understand me that time? For decades, we have trotted to the grocery store in hopes of buying the least expensive, healthy food for our families. Chicken, Pork and Beef are basic staples in any home and veggies are a must if you want to eliminate those empty calories, like potato chips, soft drinks and ice cream. However... (wait for it)....       ....         ....  (gains composure before explosion) I went to Wal-Mart (I know, I know, but our local grocery stores do not have decent veggies) to get a bell pepper. Why? What is meat loaf without bell pepper? I walked in, said hello to the poor door greeter who (no offense to any disabled person, I'm defending you) could barely move due to a debilitating limp, but yet, has to work because the cost of oil is so high, they can't rightly WALK to work, took a cart, steadied myself for the onslaught of shoppers and turned right toward the produce section. Skimming over the apples and oranges, banana's and mangos -- Bee line for the peppers. I knew if I looked long at anything, I would be persuaded (possibily even brainwashed by their music) to purchase additional items that I did not need. I walk up to the green peppers. The last time I purchased a green bell pepper they were about 57 to 68 cents each. Not a BIG deal. High, but managable. Not today. Today, the price nearly made my mouth drop. Actually, my mouth did drop. Not because they were such beautiful, shiny, green bell peppers that were destined to make my husband's meatloaf the mother of all loaves of meat... But because they were not 57 cents. They weren't even 68 cents. No.. they were $1.44 cents EACH. Not per pound, not per kilo... EACH! I was so charged with anger... I took out my cell phone. No, I didn't phone 911 because my wallet was just raped by the cost of bell pepper growers, even though it was severely violated. I took a picture.

Now... there's the proof! Explain that one!

Topic #3... "Heavenly father, I pray that you will be with Japan right now. Not just with those who are directly affected, but for each and every person who is connected to, related to, or involved with any thing in that country. They need you Jesus to reach down, wrap your loving arms around them and help them through this tragic time. In your sweet name I pray, Amen!"

BUT... there are physics invovled. I heard two people at work today talking about 'what is going to happen to this world when the end does come?'... HELLO!!! Are you not aware of the prophecy? Do you not realize that these just may be the end times. Earthquakes, famine... Oh, wait a minute... I just had an epiphany. The earth is quaking because BIG OIL is being taken away, causing the weight of the earth to shift. In it's shifty-ness, it's being thrown off kilter and earthquakes are occurring. And the famine... yeah, that's because they are now charging $1.44 cents for ONE DAMN PEPPER!

Until tomorrow,
PS... that meatloaf was damn good... too bad I choked everytime I thought about swallowing that pepper!

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