Sunday, July 17, 2011

Dear Mr. Jesus

You all know my passion for children -- their right to love, support, shelter, validation, etc. I've created a webpage on facebook in dedication to all the children who have suffered abuse and neglect and some who were not strong enough to survive the hands of their destroyer. You can visit the page at
And for additional blogs, you can check out my other site at


I'm also working on a top secret project that will take about a month to complete, but once it's finished, you will not have a dry eye... In fact, you will want to scream from the top of your lungs... "STOP THE VIOLENCE... STOP THE MURDERS... STOP CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT"

And that is my goal! But for the time being, you will have to listen to my rants! And I thought I was on to something good... Kids being involved in this whole Casey Anthony thing. Seeing children with their parents last night during Casey's jail release, hearing them in the background, seeing them in tents... I figured I would pose a couple of questions to my readers and top of a wonderful blog sessions, even including a tear jerker!... However, HLN beat me to it!

So, I have nothing to blog about, and partly because I've been working on the top secret project.

Until tomorrow,

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